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Auto-Creation of Work Items When Instantiating an Iteration

Rolf Reitzig (111) | asked Aug 23 '08, 2:59 p.m.
Is there a facility in RTC to auto-create a pre-defined set of work items when an iteration is defined/instantiated for a project? I'm thinking something similar to the auto-creation of work items feature that can take place when a project is created.

This would be very helpful to ensure certain standardized activities are always considered (e.g. iteration plans, retrospectives, etc) when an iteration is defined. It would also be helpful if the work items created would be based on the iteration type created.

Is this possible in v1.0, and if not, is it being considered for a future release?

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Aug 23 '08, 3:54 p.m.
There is not such a facility in 1.0. Please file a work item to have it considered for a future release.

You could do something similar if you want to write some code. There is a "Current Iteration Change Event" in the Project Configuration section of each process. This event can be customized with event handlers actions. There is not an existing event handler that is supported for the event, but you could write one to do what you suggest. The followup action would not happen when an iteration is added to the project configuration, but would be triggered when a user specifies any iteration as the "current" iteration.

You can read more about creating event handlers in the Team Process Developer Guide:

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