Update a requirement in RRC 4.0 through REST API
In an existing requirement, I need to add a traceability link to a test case.
This implies to create a relationship in both directions.
Creating the TC to Req "validatesRequirement" links works fine via a PUT
But the other way around doesn't: I get an error code 400: Bad Request anytime, even if I don't change anything in the content retrieved from a previous GET.
I guess there is something wrong the my headers, but I don't know what
PUT to requirement address: https:://host:9443/rm/resource/<theid>
If-Match:<the ETag got previously>
Content-Type: application/rdf+xml
OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0
Content: well, just the one got from the previous GET...or the modified one give the same error
the rm.log file displays an RRSException in OSLC20ContentHandler.updateRequirementResource
This is run under RRC 4.0 RC3
Any help ?