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history of likened/removed artifact in RTC work item

Sachin Nairy (5111320) | asked Jun 20 '12, 4:44 a.m.

Dear All,

We are using RTC version 3.0.1, I am trying to see the history of likened/removed artifact in work item, history is not showing in history tab, can anyone help me on this issue.

Sachin Nairy

Accepted answer

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jun 20 '12, 8:31 a.m.

work item 85841 both contains the technical explanation why this is currently not happening and comments from several customers who would like it to happen.

Please add yourself to the comment list. I hope this enhancement request makes it to release backlog for

Does this answer your question? Then please mark this answer as accepted.

- Arne
Sachin Nairy selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

permanent link
Sachin Nairy (5111320) | answered Mar 02 '15, 6:45 a.m.

Link history feature is available in RTC 5.0.2 version.

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