How to retrieve a previously created dashboard?
2 answers
while this feature is still being developed, there is already a way to restore dashboard in RTC 4.0 as described in this wiki entry.
If this is important to you, would you please subscribe to the appropriate enhancement? The more people want it, the faster we get it :-)
- Arne
while this feature is still being developed, there is already a way to restore dashboard in RTC 4.0 as described in this wiki entry.
If this is important to you, would you please subscribe to the appropriate enhancement? The more people want it, the faster we get it :-)
- Arne
while this feature is still being developed, there is already a way to restore dashboard in RTC 4.0 as described in this wiki entry.
If this is important to you, would you please subscribe to the appropriate enhancement? The more people want it, the faster we get it :-)
- Arne
Ah, the circle closes. An issue was raised yesterday afternoon re dashboards and
it turns out Regina was the victim of that issue. The CLM environment did
experience a full file system yesterday ~2pm est which was noticed and fixed only ~3:45 or so.
I think that the dashboards are ok now.