Maven: must specify an absolute path but is ${env.WAS_HOME}
I have a Maven build definition processed by JBE, but keep on getting this error. No error if I call Maven command from command line. I added WAS_HOME to system variable, build definition properties, build engine properties, all not helping.
The project com.nbfg.cdi:CdiServicesParent:1.0-SNAPSHOT (C:\Sandbox\MDM_CDIServiceMgmt_Inc_Build\CdiServicesParent\pom.xml) has 1 error
'dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for must specify an absolute path but is ${env.WAS_HOME}/plugins/ @ line 218, column 17
I have a Maven build definition processed by JBE, but keep on getting this error. No error if I call Maven command from command line. I added WAS_HOME to system variable, build definition properties, build engine properties, all not helping.
The project com.nbfg.cdi:CdiServicesParent:1.0-SNAPSHOT (C:\Sandbox\MDM_CDIServiceMgmt_Inc_Build\CdiServicesParent\pom.xml) has 1 error
'dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for must specify an absolute path but is ${env.WAS_HOME}/plugins/ @ line 218, column 17