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Using OSLC and Lyo to get WorkItems

Melanie Finke (7731520) | asked Apr 18 '12, 11:17 a.m.

At the moment I try to program a consumer for RTC with Lyo.
The goal is to read/write WorkItem attributes and map them to Excel Columns.

On March 28 there was a web-call called "Highlights of Eclipse Lyo Milestone 1" I attended.

On slide 21 of the presentation is mentioned, that the same POJO resource definitions as used by the provider are required.
Where can I get the resource definitions of RTC?
Is it possible to authenticate using Lyo?
I found a possiblity with OSLC Utils, but not with the OSLCRestClient.
Is the OSLCRestClient meant for a secured connection?
Because of the use of Resources instead of XML or JSON representation I'd like to use the OSLCRestClient.

Kind regards

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