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Updating microsoft project import dates-help needed ASAP!

Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k9284269) | asked Apr 16 '12, 2:28 p.m.
Hello all.

I have a microsoft project plan xml that has dates that start on 4/10. I imported the plan on 4/16. Everything in the Gantt shows starting on 4/16. How do I edit this back to 4/16.

I followed the Help - flash movie and made the summary task = project change request and the task=task.

Or is this all based on the snapshots?


2 answers

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Qaiser Islam (31297074) | answered Apr 16 '12, 3:30 p.m.
Hello all.

I have a microsoft project plan xml that has dates that start on 4/10. I imported the plan on 4/16. Everything in the Gantt shows starting on 4/16. How do I edit this back to 4/16.

I followed the Help - flash movie and made the summary task = project change request and the task=task.

Or is this all based on the snapshots?


we faced similar type of issue in recent past. importing project plan as it is really pain in RTC. i would suggest remove the past tasks from the plan and re-import it..

permanent link
Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k9284269) | answered Apr 17 '12, 9:45 a.m.

What that's interesting to learn. (sad)

Hello all.

I have a microsoft project plan xml that has dates that start on 4/10. I imported the plan on 4/16. Everything in the Gantt shows starting on 4/16. How do I edit this back to 4/16.

I followed the Help - flash movie and made the summary task = project change request and the task=task.

Or is this all based on the snapshots?


we faced similar type of issue in recent past. importing project plan as it is really pain in RTC. i would suggest remove the past tasks from the plan and re-import it.. :(

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