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Unable to start RTC Server 4.0 RC1

edward king (611) | asked Apr 08 '12, 12:37 p.m.

Windows 2008 R2
Using the install of tomcat and derby for this test
default install locations (c:\program files\ibm etc)

Following the install, I attempt to start the server using both the start menu shortcut and by command line (using admin privs) using "<install>\server\server.start.bat"

A console window pops up, displays nothing and then closes again rapidly.

No error logs.

I assumed that the firewall may be preventing the server from listening on the required port (9443) so disabled it temporarily, but this made no difference.

Without logs or any kind of error to refer to, troubleshooting is proving difficult, so any advice would be appreciated.

2 answers

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shaomin xing (15643) | answered Apr 08 '12, 10:32 p.m.
I guess you may use a 64bit RTC server which needs a lot of memory (4G) to start up. You can check server.start.bat to see how much memory the RTC server need on starting up. And increase the virtual memory in your machine, try again.


Windows 2008 R2
Using the install of tomcat and derby for this test
default install locations (c:\program files\ibm etc)

Following the install, I attempt to start the server using both the start menu shortcut and by command line (using admin privs) using "<install>\server\server.start.bat"

A console window pops up, displays nothing and then closes again rapidly.

No error logs.

I assumed that the firewall may be preventing the server from listening on the required port (9443) so disabled it temporarily, but this made no difference.

Without logs or any kind of error to refer to, troubleshooting is proving difficult, so any advice would be appreciated.

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edward king (611) | answered Apr 09 '12, 1:03 a.m.
Thanks for the reply!
As previously stated, the console window opens, then closes without displaying anything at all and no error is logged.

This machine has 128GB of RAM and was set up specifically for this test.
I have removed and reinstalled the server in C:\RTC\IBM etc to avoid potential problems with spaces in directory names. This made no difference.

I guess you may use a 64bit RTC server which needs a lot of memory (4G) to start up. You can check server.start.bat to see how much memory the RTC server need on starting up. And increase the virtual memory in your machine, try again.

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