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Question on the Pending Changes View

Chris Barlock (18814738) | asked Apr 04 '12, 7:21 p.m.
My Pending Changes view shows two flows. The top one is between our development stream (CCM Dev Stream) and my repository workspace (Barlock Dev). The bottom is between Barlock Dev and CCM Dev Stream.

The look like:

CCM Dev Stream -> <Barlock> <- CCM Dev Stream

Others on my team only have one of these. What is this telling me? Incoming and Outgoing change sets seem only to flow through the bottom one.


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 05 '12, 2:01 a.m.
Hi Chris,

this is a bit confusing, you should only see one instance of the same stream as flow target. Maybe I am missing something from the description. I would check the flow targets in the repository workspace. Streams also have flow targets.

You can have more than one flow target. Flow Targets can be default, current and not selected. The pending changes shows the flow targets of a repository workspace.

This is basically done to move changes between streams. RTC tracks incoming and outgoing changes against the current flow target. If you change the current flow target it will show the differences between the workspace and the stream and allow you to accept/deliver there e.g. to do integration work.

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Chris Barlock (18814738) | answered Apr 05 '12, 11:44 a.m.
Well, it seems my original post didn't translate quite right from what I typed to HTML. The stream/workspace picture in Pending Changes should have shown two separate entries. The first connected the CCM Dev Stream to the Barlock Dev workspace and the second connect the Barlock Dev workspace to CCM Dev Stream.

I worked with Ralph offline and he noted first that CCM Dev Stream should not have a Flow Target to the Barlock Dev workspace. I removed this, but there where still two entries in the Pending Changes view. I then noticed that the flow from CCM Dev Stream to the Barlock Dev workspace had an Unload option available. I unloaded it and it disappeared from Pending Changes.

All is again right with my RTC world. :)


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