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Configure Debug environment (JETTY) connected to LDAP

juwandy susilo (2122) | asked Mar 05 '12, 3:36 a.m.
hi all,

i'm new to this extending RTC thing.
now i'm using Jetty to debugging. but everytime i configure the user to LDAP, and i restart the jetty server, the configuration will becoming incorrect. user registry still choose as LDAP, but the configuration detail that i've already fulfilled before is missing.
i used port 7443 for this jetty debugging environment, and the original one(fresh install RTC) use port 9443.
for the port 9443, i already success to configure it connected to LDAP.
and i can use the user from LDAP server to login to the RTC Admin page.
i already follow the guide in RTC301ExtPoT.pdf page 44 (run the configuration to create RTC Database) .

so is there anyone knows why the LDAP configuration for the jetty server is always missing after restarting the jetty server ?
how this jetty load the user registry setting ? it load from the 9443 one or create a new one ?



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