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Work Items Home in RQM

Todd Long (1133) | asked Jan 23 '12, 3:04 p.m.
When I select Defects/Work Items Home from the RQM menu, I am directed to the Welcome to Plans page in RTC. I would expect to be directed to the Welcome to Work Items page in RTC instead. Why would I be directed to the Plans welcome page and not the Work Items welcome page?

2 answers

permanent link
Christophe Telep (236) | answered Jan 26 '12, 5:08 a.m.
I have just checked with RQM 3.0.1 and I am correctly directed to the Work Items Home page. Which version do you use?

permanent link
Sachin Nairy (5111320) | answered Jul 25 '12, 3:49 a.m.
HI Todd,
I am facing same issue in my project, few days back it is working fine, due to some reason i restarted the server, from that day onward its taking to plan view.

Did you got any solution for this?


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