How do I download a build artifact from a script?
Hi, I am trying to write a script that will take a build label as an argument and download the files in the "Downloads" section of the build. The only methods I have seen to get at the build artifacts are the eclipse client & the web client. Is there a tool that can be used to do this? I could set up another ftp server to host the build results but it seems odd to have the artifacts stored in more than one place. Thanks!
2 answers
Hi, I am trying to write a script that will take a build label as an argument and download the files in the "Downloads" section of the build. The only methods I have seen to get at the build artifacts are the eclipse client & the web client. Is there a tool that can be used to do this? I could set up another ftp server to host the build results but it seems odd to have the artifacts stored in more than one place. Thanks!
I think you can try to use wget
I think you can try to use wget
If I use wget, how do I generate or query for the the URLS that are needed to access the build files? For example, for the build labeled 20111110-1405 the url is /ccm/resource/virtual/build/result/_5YwhAAvOEeGRierr-I5d-g/contribution/_HRl5EAvPEeGRierr-I5d-g/product.war.