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Compare producing differences in any line that is all blanks

Marilyn Ziemba (111) | asked Jan 03 '12, 11:29 a.m.
I started using RTC prior to Christmas for the first time and ran across a problem. I edited a COBOL program and had the source in my personal workspace. I wanted to run a compare with the one in the production stream to make sure that I made the correct changes. When I compared my work source to the production source, the editor seemed to have added a strange character to any line that was all spaces in my personal workspace. This particular program I was working with is quite large and there are quite a few blank lines in the program, hence making the compare useless. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do to prevent this from happening?

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k34348) | answered Jan 06 '12, 8:42 p.m.
I started using RTC prior to Christmas for the first time and ran across a problem. I edited a COBOL program and had the source in my personal workspace. I wanted to run a compare with the one in the production stream to make sure that I made the correct changes. When I compared my work source to the production source, the editor seemed to have added a strange character to any line that was all spaces in my personal workspace. This particular program I was working with is quite large and there are quite a few blank lines in the program, hence making the compare useless. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do to prevent this from happening?

This is not an RTC functionality but rather Eclipse or whatever extension of eclipse you use. Have a look at
there is an option in the preferences to ignore white spaces in eclipse compare.

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