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Sudden .export failure

Justin Holst (2143) | asked Dec 02 '11, 2:07 p.m.
All of our projects do an archive of the project.xml as part of the setup steps.

Some time last night that command just stopped working. Normally the output in the log after the .export command is the printing of the file name and location.

When it started to fail the .export line would be the last one and there would be no error or file name confirmation.

This also coincided with the BuildForge website to not allow us to login. It would bounce us back after entering our password to the login page with no visible error.

We ssh'd into the box (we run the linux server) and restarted the buildforge process and this fixed the issue for the time being. But I would like to try and figure out the root cause.

Is this a known problem? Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

2 answers

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Robert haig (1.0k16) | answered Jan 18 '12, 4:39 p.m.
typically when I've seen this type of problem, it's been a full filesystem, or failure to write to the templates_c directory because of permissions.

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Justin Holst (2143) | answered Jan 24 '12, 6:09 p.m.
typically when I've seen this type of problem, it's been a full filesystem, or failure to write to the templates_c directory because of permissions.

OK I think that this was actually caused by the opt volume being filled. I have since cleared out some space, but I am noticing that where buildforge is installed (linux server) seems to slowly fill up with data. Is this known? I looked at the system settings again and I don't see anything about this there. I have also tried many searches in this forum and have yet to find a topic about this.

Any help is appreciated!

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