Upgrading RTC 3.0.1 to - z/OS components
I have a customer who has JTS and CCM under Websphere on zLinux with a DB2 database under z/OS and of course the bfagent and ISPF client under z/OS. When upgrading from 3.0.1 to what is the recommended "order" in regards to the z/OS parts? Can I do JTS and CCM first and the z/OS parts will work against the repository until I upgrade the z/OS parts? Do I need to do then together? I have reviewed the upgrade documents including the frequently asked questions and do not see any mention of the z/OS parts.
2 answers
We will put out some upgrade documentation when we push out the PTF's for the upgrade. These should be out shortly. There is n-1 compatibility between the clients and the server... that being that an n-1 client can operate against an n server. The build toolkit can be considered a client. So the order has to be the JTS/CCM server first and then the clients after. I would recommend moving the build toolkit up second and the ISPF/Eclipse clients up next.
Answering your question... yes, the z/OS parts will work against the repository.
We will put out some upgrade documentation when we push out the PTF's for the upgrade. These should be out shortly. There is n-1 compatibility between the clients and the server... that being that an n-1 client can operate against an n server. The build toolkit can be considered a client. So the order has to be the JTS/CCM server first and then the clients after. I would recommend moving the build toolkit up second and the ISPF/Eclipse clients up next.
Answering your question... yes, the z/OS parts will work against the repository.
We will put out some upgrade documentation when we push out the PTF's for the upgrade. These should be out shortly. There is n-1 compatibility between the clients and the server... that being that an n-1 client can operate against an n server. The build toolkit can be considered a client. So the order has to be the JTS/CCM server first and then the clients after. I would recommend moving the build toolkit up second and the ISPF/Eclipse clients up next.
Answering your question... yes, the z/OS parts will work against the repository.
Ok - Thanks. Now if the client skips and goes directly from 3.0.1 to what are the implications? Also to get to you are not required to upgrade to first - correct?