Repository stats report in 3.x
Hi all
In 2.0 there was a nice report that showed information on the size of the data in the repository - both the actual size, and the compressed size on the disk. There was even a breakdown of the size of the content against categories like work items and source control.
This report seemed to have moved (it used to be accessed via a project area report - even though it reported on the entire server).
Where can I see this information now?
many thanks
In 2.0 there was a nice report that showed information on the size of the data in the repository - both the actual size, and the compressed size on the disk. There was even a breakdown of the size of the content against categories like work items and source control.
This report seemed to have moved (it used to be accessed via a project area report - even though it reported on the entire server).
Where can I see this information now?
many thanks