Creating relations btw subcategories across category schemas
We have a need to map the sub-categories in a category schema to sub-categories in another category schema using the RAM Java API. For example, TMForum defines a mappings document between the categories of the telecom SID and eTOM models. If the SID and eTOM models are defined as 2 category schemas in RAM, how do you map the sub-categories in SID to the sub-catgories in eTOM schema? Other IBM products like InfoShpere Business Glossary allow you to map between hierarchies using custom attributes but we couldn't find any methods on the RAM Java API that help you map between sub-categories across category schemas.
3 answers
Thanks Gili! So it looks like the relationships between the category schemas can only exist (indirectly) through their relationship with assets. Is that correct? Our requirement is to have relationships between category schemas even if they are not associated with any assets. Is this possible in RAM?