ABS announces iApproveIt 1.0 (Real-Time Approval Control)

ABS is pleased to announce our newest offering of iApproveIt 1.0 . With iApproveIt , managers, administrators, peers or other approvers can give "instant" approvals or rejections that are embedded in the process and forcibly adhered to by your Build Forge users (or users of any product).
No longer do you have to have to wait for someone to approve some action with slow cumbersome email; no longer do you have to omit Managerial or peer-to-peer approval for actions because email is too slow. WithiApproveIt , you can get instant Approval from one or many people. Get instant "approval and advice" from your manager while they're in a meeting, at lunch or on vacation (if your bold).
TheiApproveIt product is NOT vendor or tool specific , it can be used with any script or program or any program that uses or can use scripts, triggers or other definable actions for automation. ABS has used iApproveIt with a list of products to include but not limited to:
- IBM RationalClearCase and ClearCase Multisite (or any SCM product that can make use of scripts or return codes)
- IBM RationalClearQuest (or any Defect tracking product that can make use of scripts or return codes)
- IBM RationalTeam Concert
- IBM RationalBuild Forge (or any build automation tool like Maven , Cruise Control , AntHill , etc).
- IBM RationalFunctional Tester
- IBMWebSphere MQ (previously known as "MQ Series")
-HP OpenView
- MSExcel Spreadsheet automation
- MSQuickbooks
- CAUnicenter
-Vtiger , Siebel , SugarCRM , SalesForce.com (and other CRM Solutions)
-ClearTrigger , ClearReplica and ClearWeb by ABS
-ClearCheck by GoMidjets
- Windows "AT" jobs - MAC and UNIX "cron" jobs
- Other Workflow Automation Tools
You can read more aboutiApproveIt here:
You can download theiApproveIt Device app from the iTunes App Store here:
You can download theiApproveIt Client from ABS for FREE here:
No longer do you have to have to wait for someone to approve some action with slow cumbersome email; no longer do you have to omit Managerial or peer-to-peer approval for actions because email is too slow. With
- IBM Rational
- IBM Rational
- IBM Rational
- IBM Rational
- IBM Rational
- MS
- MS
- CA
- Windows "AT" jobs - MAC and UNIX "cron" jobs
- Other Workflow Automation Tools
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