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Integration between DOORS requirements and RTC assets

Paolo Cravino (36128) | asked Sep 30 '11, 9:00 a.m.
I know quite well the new OSLC integration between RTC 3.x and DOORS 9.x that is based on relationships between DOORS requirements and RTC Work Items (implement - implemented by).

What I need to understand is if there is any possibility to connect DOORS requirements directly to RTC configuration items (e.g. a doc file or an image or other assets) without having the Work Item that connect eachothers.

The request comes from the need to understand, after a new file version (e.g. a doc file) is generated into a workspace as a result of an import from an external system (e.g. document management), which are the connected "suspected" requirements that need to be investigated. Ones a requirement requires a change, then a Work Item is generated with all known relationships between DOORS, Work Items and Change Sets.


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