How to create and authenticate Requirement Composer users
2 answers
You can add as many users as you would like into the Composer repository. You do this through the Jazz web admin UI. The easiest way to get to this is to bring up the Configuration tool. This tool is registered at install time on the start menu as "Configure IBM Rational Requirements Composer". Once in this tool, use the "Administration->User Management" options. This will bring up a web UI that allows you to add users and authorizations. There is information in the tutorial on how to add users.
LDAP integration is planned before GA, but is not enabled in this beta.
You can add as many users as you would like into the Composer repository. You do this through the Jazz web admin UI. The easiest way to get to this is to bring up the Configuration tool. This tool is registered at install time on the start menu as "Configure IBM Rational Requirements Composer". Once in this tool, use the "Administration->User Management" options. This will bring up a web UI that allows you to add users and authorizations. There is information in the tutorial on how to add users.
LDAP integration is planned before GA, but is not enabled in this beta.