Add User to Team Area
I'm triying to add programmatically a determinate user to a determinate project area, but I'm having some problems on 'finding' the Team Area.
Get User:
Get Team Area:
Can't find a way to get a Team Area by any attribute. I've tryed from IProcessClientService, and the IProjectArea but can't find anything.
Add user to the area:
I suppose it would be something like:
Any idea?
I'm triying to add programmatically a determinate user to a determinate project area, but I'm having some problems on 'finding' the Team Area.
IContributorManager contribService= teamRepository.contributorManager();
IContributor[] user = new IContributor[1];
user[0] = contribService.fetchContributorByUserId("sdfsd", null)
Can't find a way to get a Team Area by any attribute. I've tryed from IProcessClientService, and the IProjectArea but can't find anything.
I suppose it would be something like:
ITeamArea teamArea = teamArea.addMember(user)
Any idea?
5 answers
We need to add them to several Team Areas programmaticaly because we have to introduce over 5000 users, so do it using the UI is not an option.
Currently, we don't have public Java API to manipulate process memberships. But we do support it in REST API. Here is the guidance about bulk manipulation of process memberships: