scm mystery
I'm working on RTC 3.01, with scm command.
whan I create a change-set from Windows, I see a different CS from AIX:
V:\IBM\TeamConcert_1\scmtools\eclipse>scm create changeset -r https://<our>:9443
/ccm -u usf13953 -P XXXXXXXX --component "life_comp" -w "life_production_usf13953
" "my new Cs"
Created change set (1023).
/products/IBM/jazz/scmtools/eclipse/ list changesets -u usf13953 -P XXXXXX -r https://<our>:9443/ccm 1023
Change sets:
(1023) ---@ ???? ???? "AutoSync RTC Mon Aug 22 15:35:45 IDT 2011"
Component: (1006) "life_comp"
Modified: Aug 22, 2011 3:35 PM
Work items:
(1030) 11 "AutoSync ????"
There are difference in the java versions (but they are above 1.5).
If It's not a bug, What could it be?
I'm working on RTC 3.01, with scm command.
whan I create a change-set from Windows, I see a different CS from AIX:
V:\IBM\TeamConcert_1\scmtools\eclipse>scm create changeset -r https://<our>:9443
/ccm -u usf13953 -P XXXXXXXX --component "life_comp" -w "life_production_usf13953
" "my new Cs"
Created change set (1023).
/products/IBM/jazz/scmtools/eclipse/ list changesets -u usf13953 -P XXXXXX -r https://<our>:9443/ccm 1023
Change sets:
(1023) ---@ ???? ???? "AutoSync RTC Mon Aug 22 15:35:45 IDT 2011"
Component: (1006) "life_comp"
Modified: Aug 22, 2011 3:35 PM
Work items:
(1030) 11 "AutoSync ????"
There are difference in the java versions (but they are above 1.5).
If It's not a bug, What could it be?
5 answers
"Jazz" is the name of a platform.
"CCM" is an application that runs on the Jazz platform.
"JTS" or "Jazz Team Server" is a server that provides a set of Jazz
And then there are a variety of products, such as RTC (Rational Team
Concert), RQM (Rational Quality Manager), and RRC (Rational Requirements
Composer) that provide licenses that allow a user to invoke particular
sets of capabilities provided by the applications available on a Jazz
Team Server.
On 9/6/2011 1:38 PM, kushsingh wrote:
"CCM" is an application that runs on the Jazz platform.
"JTS" or "Jazz Team Server" is a server that provides a set of Jazz
And then there are a variety of products, such as RTC (Rational Team
Concert), RQM (Rational Quality Manager), and RRC (Rational Requirements
Composer) that provide licenses that allow a user to invoke particular
sets of capabilities provided by the applications available on a Jazz
Team Server.
On 9/6/2011 1:38 PM, kushsingh wrote:
What is the difference between CCM and jazz in RTC 3 version? Is there
any link to get info on tihs? please let me know. Also would like to
know the difference between JTS and Jazz.
What is the difference between CCM and jazz in RTC 3 version? Is there any link to get info on tihs? please let me know. Also would like to know the difference between JTS and Jazz.
Jazz is the foundation, about everything. If you did the installation, JTS and CCM are two web applications deployed in WAS.
Adding to what Tim said... run the command "scm -u y <subcommand> ..." to show the change set item id. It would be the same across different instances/machines.
You are using the change set alias across different instances of the command line. The alias (1023 in your case) is not a universal identifier. It is created for the current session and is not always the same.