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Which component has my project - searching

Marshall Schor (1012724) | asked Aug 29 '11, 9:27 a.m.
In a large project, people are sometimes moving projects between components. Over time, I lose track, and want to do a query: which component(s) have my Eclipse project, with some indication of the time and baselines where the project was found, ordered by time.

Is there a way to query RTC for this information?

-Marshall Schor

One answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 29 '11, 6:18 p.m.
If you know the name of the root directory of the project (often, it is
the same name as the project, as stored in the .project file), then you
could use Jazz Source Control search, to find all change sets that
create a directory with that name.

From the change-set, you can find the component, and you can also
search for all baselines that contain that change-set using the "Locate
Change Set" operation on that change set.


On 8/29/2011 9:53 AM, marshallschor wrote:
In a large project, people are sometimes moving projects between
components. Over time, I lose track, and want to do a query: which
component(s) have my Eclipse project, with some indication of the
time and baselines where the project was found, ordered by time.

Is there a way to query RTC for this information?

-Marshall Schor

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