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Restricting a state transition to a role?

Evan Leonard (4667) | asked Aug 02 '11, 12:46 p.m.
Hello all,

Is it possible to configure RTC to restrict permissions on a state transition to a single role?

For example, I only want my Product Owner role to be able to go from "In Progress" to "Done", skipping the "Implemented" state.

Thanks in advance,

4 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 03 '11, 6:33 a.m.
Hello all,

Is it possible to configure RTC to restrict permissions on a state transition to a single role?

For example, I only want my Product Owner role to be able to go from "In Progress" to "Done", skipping the "Implemented" state.

Thanks in advance,

Can you try if Process configuration>Team configuration>Permissions>Trigger a workflow Action is what you want? The naming is for 3.x. Not sure it is the same in other versions.

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Evan Leonard (4667) | answered Aug 03 '11, 11:49 a.m.

Can you try if Process configuration>Team configuration>Permissions>Trigger a workflow Action is what you want? The naming is for 3.x. Not sure it is the same in other versions.

Hmm. I don't see this option there. We're currently on 3.0. Was this introduced later?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 03 '11, 12:25 p.m.

Can you try if Process configuration>Team configuration>Permissions>Trigger a workflow Action is what you want? The naming is for 3.x. Not sure it is the same in other versions.

Hmm. I don't see this option there. We're currently on 3.0. Was this introduced later?

Hi Evan, i am pretty confident we had it in 3.0 as well, maybe a different name, probably not. I used the Eclipse client and open the process customization there - right-click on the project.

Look into the Team Configuration permissions, not into the Project configuration. And browse around in Save Work Item on the Server. I can't stanrt a 3.0 instance right now, my machine is too busy.

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Evan Leonard (4667) | answered Aug 03 '11, 12:43 p.m.

Can you try if Process configuration>Team configuration>Permissions>Trigger a workflow Action is what you want? The naming is for 3.x. Not sure it is the same in other versions.

Hmm. I don't see this option there. We're currently on 3.0. Was this introduced later?

Hi Evan, i am pretty confident we had it in 3.0 as well, maybe a different name, probably not. I used the Eclipse client and open the process customization there - right-click on the project.

Look into the Team Configuration permissions, not into the Project configuration. And browse around in Save Work Item on the Server. I can't stanrt a 3.0 instance right now, my machine is too busy.

Ah found it. I didn't think to look inside of "Save Work Item". Yes I believe this is what I need. Thank you!


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