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Help I can not find WebSphere Application Server

Angelantonio verzura (3675) | asked Jul 12 '11, 9:12 a.m.
good evening boys
first thing I apologize for my bad English but I would be using a translator

I present my problem ... I use a ram piattafgorma Web 7.5 and should make a ldap integration ... the problem and that I have installed the platform and I do not have contact with this person ...

following a guide in a step is called WebSphere Application Server .. now I can not find anything that would lead me to the Web from the server ... you tell me how I can find it? thanks in advance

One answer

permanent link
Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Jul 15 '11, 6:22 p.m.
If you're trying to access the WebSphere Application Server admin console

The default WAS admin console URL is http://<server>:9060/ibm/console/

The default eWAS admin console URL is http://<server>:13060/ibm/console/

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