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Difficulty creating a new user id field (Requestor/Sponsor)

Ann Marie Fred (1111) | asked Mar 31 '11, 11:29 a.m.
Hi, I'm kind of new to customizing RTC v3, so please bear with me!

I tried to add a new field to my work item called "Requestor/Sponsor".

This should be the user name of someone. They don't necessarily have to be on the team. Ideally I could select a user name if they're in the LDAP directory or type one in otherwise, but I'll take what I can get.

I added a new custom attribute:
Name: Requestor or Sponsor
ID: requestor
Type: Contributor
<None> for the next 4 values
Read-only is unchecked
No Dependencies

I copied the Details tab to unlink it and make changes. I added a new Attribute-based Presentation:
Attribute: Requestor or Sponsor
Kind: Contributor
Lots of blanks
Read Only: False
Show Label: Depending on Section Context
Lots of blanks

But when I save this and create a new work item, I see the new field as a non-editable -1 value, like this:
Requestor or Sponsor: -1

Any ideas on what I did wrong?


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Ann Marie Fred (1111) | answered Mar 31 '11, 12:12 p.m.
I think I answered my own question. The Eclipse editor keeps switching back to the default presentation and the Defect work item type, so half of the changes I made went into the Defect work item type and half of them went into my new work item type. When I made sure that all of the pieces were in the right places, the field showed up properly.

That's kind of annoying, by the way - why can't it stay on the Work Item Type and Editor Presentation I was editing, instead of switching back to the first one in the list every time I navigate to another node in the Configuration tree?

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