Dependency between projects
Does Build Forge have dependency between projects?
I used luntbuild before, it can do that, for example, I have project A and B, A is depended B, so I have to build B first and then A. Luntbuild has the function of adding B as A's dependency, while build A, it will automatically trigger B, it is a good function!
What about Build forge??
Does Build Forge have dependency between projects?
I used luntbuild before, it can do that, for example, I have project A and B, A is depended B, so I have to build B first and then A. Luntbuild has the function of adding B as A's dependency, while build A, it will automatically trigger B, it is a good function!
What about Build forge??
4 answers
Does Build Forge have dependency between projects?
I used luntbuild before, it can do that, for example, I have project A and B, A is depended B, so I have to build B first and then A. Luntbuild has the function of adding B as A's dependency, while build A, it will automatically trigger B, it is a good function!
What about Build forge??
I build buildforge in much the same way (using buildforge). For instance, our console build, requires a current services layer build. I practice build avoidance by checking (using svn revision numbers) to see if the current services build is the latest. If it is not, I .runwait a new services build. I accomplish this through a conditional step.
so the short answer is "no" we don't have strict dependencies as such, but using conditional steps we can accomplish the same thing, while practicing build avoidance, reducing the length of your build, at the same time.
I find out there is a function named "inline" on the project step, seems like the dependency I want.
inline will run the inlined build as a part of the current build every single time. pass chain or .run will essentially fork a new build. I prefer the .runwait from a conditional step as I don't have to build every single time.