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Upgrading RTC 2.x to RTC 3.0 using command line install

Mark Martin (4811815) | asked Mar 23 '11, 5:50 p.m.
I am trying to upgrade a installation to 3.0.
Platform is RHEL 5.6 64 bit on an Intel box. I am running this as root.

My 2.x installation has a non-standard context root (seemed like a good idea at the time) so I am trying to use the method described in - Tips for upgrading RTC 2.x to RTC 3.0. I have edited the silent-install-server.xml file as described, but when I run ./userinstc -dataLocation /tmp/silent-install/data -silent -showVerboseProgress -nosplash -input silent-install-server.xml I get the following error:

{IM install kit directory}/userinstc:
Problem in command line: -toolId ibmim -accessRights admin -toolId userinstc -accessRights nonAdmin -silent -repository @osgi.install.area install,agent_core,agent_jre -dataLocation /tmp/silent-install/data -silent -showVerboseProgress -input /data/install/rtc3/cli/im/linux.gtk.x86/silent-install-server.xml
Unrecognized command line argument "-repository".

Use "help" command for information about available commands.

Here is my silent-install-server.xml file:

cat silent-install-server.xml








<!-- use to override platform detection:

<!-- use to override platform detection:




2 answers

permanent link
Rod Moten (16) | answered May 03 '11, 10:44 a.m.
I'm getting the same error. Did you find a resolution to this problem?

permanent link
Rod Moten (16) | answered May 03 '11, 10:47 a.m.
Remove the -repository argument from userinstc.ini.

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