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Disabling temporarily email notification

Andrés Guerrero (20613218) | asked Mar 08 '11, 4:26 a.m.
Hi all,
We are executing some massive updates on our RAM server (
Is there a secure way for disabling email notification temporarily?

I know that is possible to misconfigure the smtp server or just not configure any server at all, but I'm not sure of what is going to happen when I configure it properly again.

Thanks in advance.



2 answers

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Mar 08 '11, 9:30 a.m.
If you configure an invalid address for the smtp server or the configured smtp server can not be reached, RAM will add emails to a queue and send them at a later time when the smtp server is available. If you do not configure an smtp server (you do not have any text in the 'SMTP server' field on the configuration page) RAM will not queue emails. This method of removing the server from the RAM configuration is probably the best way to temporarily disable email from RAM

permanent link
Andrés Guerrero (20613218) | answered Mar 08 '11, 10:31 a.m.
Thank you for your help.



If you configure an invalid address for the smtp server or the configured smtp server can not be reached, RAM will add emails to a queue and send them at a later time when the smtp server is available. If you do not configure an smtp server (you do not have any text in the 'SMTP server' field on the configuration page) RAM will not queue emails. This method of removing the server from the RAM configuration is probably the best way to temporarily disable email from RAM

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