REQUEST for a place to store Plug-ins / Advisors
In these years the has done a great job involving the community and using collaboration to improve the tools.
Now in 2011 we can go ahead. We can let the community help itself. Many customers, partners and users are creating their own RTC advisors and plug-ins.
This request is to create a place in where it can be shared.
An community advisor can help many customers and new users.
Some kind of features of this service:
- Store informations about the advisors / plug-in (description, contributor by, ..)
- Store the advisor / plug-in (zip file)
- Rank: Top Downloads
- Rank: Favorites (by vote)
- Rank: Top Contributors
- Tags / Categories support
As a member of Eclipse Foundation, IBM may be make a deal and get a copy of Eclipse Marketplace system, I do not know.
Now in 2011 we can go ahead. We can let the community help itself. Many customers, partners and users are creating their own RTC advisors and plug-ins.
This request is to create a place in where it can be shared.
An community advisor can help many customers and new users.
Some kind of features of this service:
- Store informations about the advisors / plug-in (description, contributor by, ..)
- Store the advisor / plug-in (zip file)
- Rank: Top Downloads
- Rank: Favorites (by vote)
- Rank: Top Contributors
- Tags / Categories support
As a member of Eclipse Foundation, IBM may be make a deal and get a copy of Eclipse Marketplace system, I do not know.