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How to read description attribute of a project area?

Baris Erdemir (1812819) | asked Dec 23 '10, 8:02 a.m.
I want to read 2 string parameters from a project area.
Is it possible to add parameters to project area? If not,
How can I read from description field of a project area?
Thank you

11 answers

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Thomas Yu (45183) | answered Apr 19 '11, 12:47 a.m.
To access to the description field of a project area, instead getSummary() API, did you try getDetails() API provided by the IDescription interface?

Hi Philippe,
I think your answer is about 1st part of my question. I tried it now. But that method is returning an IContent and I do not know how to get Description attribute of a project area from there.
I need the value as a string.

Plus I need the same thing for client side.

Hi bariserdemir,

Hope following code snippets help-


IContent content = projectArea.getDescription().getDetails();
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
IContentService cs = getService(IContentService.class);//get IContentService
cs.retrieveContent(content, out);
String description = new String(out.toByteArray(),content.getCharacterEncoding());

code snippet of ClientSide:

ByteArrayOutputStream stream= new ByteArrayOutputStream();
//fTeamRepository: client side team repository
//content: project area description details
//monitor: ProgressMonitor for retrieveConent
fTeamRepository.contentManager().retrieveContent(content, stream, monitor);

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