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Testing plugin on remote server

Michele Pegoraro (1.8k14119103) | asked Jul 14 '09, 11:47 a.m.
I've a question about how to test a server side plugin (pre-condition or follow-up). Which are the correct step to do?
Currently I'm ok with client side development:
-plugin creation
-running a eclipse application configuration including my plugin

On server side I've got problems. I try to use wiki but it's really confused for me.
I've download server launch configuration from If I simply include my plugin on target platform this doesn't run (I don't see any new pre-condition on process configuration editor). I've try to deploy plugin on server creating a new update site and using a profile file but it is not reconized when I run repotools -addTables.

Can I have some help on which are the steps to follow?
Thanks for any answer.

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Michele Pegoraro (1.8k14119103) | answered Jul 15 '09, 8:27 a.m.
Resolved. It was my fault on operation Id definition.
It runs like client side, running a remote server.

I remains with deploy problem but it's in the other topic ( ).

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