Members of blue group added as collaborator are getting mail

Members of blue group added as collaborator in a lifecycle are receiving mail notification even if the blue group is not selected the choice box 'receive e-mail'
other members of the collaborators are not getting mails, its working as expected.
But why blue group members only getting mails even we are not selected the choice box for 'Receive e-mail'?
Is this is the expected behaviour for blue group members?
other members of the collaborators are not getting mails, its working as expected.
But why blue group members only getting mails even we are not selected the choice box for 'Receive e-mail'?
Is this is the expected behaviour for blue group members?
6 answers

Hi Rich,
One of the Blue group added as collaborator(Reviewer) in a lifecycle as this is new funtionality in iRAM7202.So reviewers(members of the blue group which is added) should get the reminder mails if the 'receive e-mail' choice box of clollaborator is checked.
But problem here is Blue group members are getting reminder mails even after not selected the 'Receive e-mail' choice box.
We are surprised how these Blue group mebmers are getting reminder mails.
Is this is the expected behaviour of sending reminder mails for Blue group members even after not selected the choice box?
One of the Blue group added as collaborator(Reviewer) in a lifecycle as this is new funtionality in iRAM7202.So reviewers(members of the blue group which is added) should get the reminder mails if the 'receive e-mail' choice box of clollaborator is checked.
But problem here is Blue group members are getting reminder mails even after not selected the 'Receive e-mail' choice box.
We are surprised how these Blue group mebmers are getting reminder mails.
Is this is the expected behaviour of sending reminder mails for Blue group members even after not selected the choice box?

1) Asset test pls ignore is submitted and appear to be in the draft state. The life cycle managers get the following notification:
----- Forwarded by Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM on 11/01/2011 12.10 -----
iRAM Production Admin <iraadmin>
11/01/2011 12.03
To Dominique Delhumeau <dominique_delhumeau>, Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Rajani Ramkaran <rramkaran>
Subject You have been added as a lifecycle manager for the asset test pls ignore
You have been added as a lifecycle manager for the asset test pls ignore .
IBM Corporation 2007, 2010.
2) The asset is then moved in the review status. The following notifications are generated:
This one advices the life cycle manager that the asset change the status.THIS IS A CORRECT NOTIFICATION
----- Forwarded by Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM on 11/01/2011 12.16 -----
iRAM Production Admin <iraadmin>
11/01/2011 12.08
To Dominique Delhumeau <dominique_delhumeau>, Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Rajani Ramkaran <rramkaran>
Subject test pls ignore has been moved to the Review state
The asset test pls ignore has been moved from the Draft state to the Review state.
IBM Corporation 2007, 2010.
This notification notified all the members of the blue group that they have been added to the asset as collaborator. THIS IS A WRONG NOTIFICATION SINCE THE GROUP HAS NOT BEEN ADDED AS COLLABORATOR FOR THE ASSET !!
Please note that only the members of the blue group receive the unexpected and wrong communication
---- Forwarded by Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM on 11/01/2011 12.18 -----
iRAM Production Admin <iraadmin>
11/01/2011 12.08
To Aldo Spirito/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Raffaele Stifani/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Francesco Airoldi/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Enrica Coluccia/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Simona Vercesi/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM@IBMIT
Subject You have been added as a collaborator for the asset test pls ignore
You have been added as a collaborator for the asset test pls ignore in state Review.
IBM Corporation 2007, 2010.
----- Forwarded by Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM on 11/01/2011 12.10 -----
iRAM Production Admin <iraadmin>
11/01/2011 12.03
To Dominique Delhumeau <dominique_delhumeau>, Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Rajani Ramkaran <rramkaran>
Subject You have been added as a lifecycle manager for the asset test pls ignore
You have been added as a lifecycle manager for the asset test pls ignore .
IBM Corporation 2007, 2010.
2) The asset is then moved in the review status. The following notifications are generated:
This one advices the life cycle manager that the asset change the status.
----- Forwarded by Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM on 11/01/2011 12.16 -----
iRAM Production Admin <iraadmin>
11/01/2011 12.08
To Dominique Delhumeau <dominique_delhumeau>, Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Rajani Ramkaran <rramkaran>
Subject test pls ignore has been moved to the Review state
The asset test pls ignore has been moved from the Draft state to the Review state.
IBM Corporation 2007, 2010.
This notification notified all the members of the blue group that they have been added to the asset as collaborator. T
Please note that only the members of the blue group receive the unexpected and wrong communication
---- Forwarded by Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM on 11/01/2011 12.18 -----
iRAM Production Admin <iraadmin>
11/01/2011 12.08
To Aldo Spirito/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Raffaele Stifani/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Francesco Airoldi/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Enrica Coluccia/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Simona Vercesi/Italy/IBM@IBMIT, Pietro Della Peruta/Italy/IBM@IBMIT
Subject You have been added as a collaborator for the asset test pls ignore
You have been added as a collaborator for the asset test pls ignore in state Review.
IBM Corporation 2007, 2010.

Please share your investigated information about affixed the E-Mail subject and content in above.
Hi all,
I've the same behaviour. My groups haven't any of configs checked, neither mail, edit or reviewer, but even thus all group's users are receiving mail.
Once known how sending emails works, it could be useful to help us to understanding this behaviour.