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Migration of category schema from one repository to other

iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | asked Nov 19 '10, 6:30 a.m.
In one of our requirement we need to migrate one category schema from repository to other.
The same category schema already exists in both the servers. But manually many changes are done in the schema on one repository so we need to migrate that version of the schema to the other repository as well.
We will be going to use RAM Library functionality for this task. We will first export the category schema as a library from the source server.
Now we need to place the exported schema to the destination server in such a way that it will override the already existing schema and at the same time also do not disturb community wise scoping etc.
Kindly someone please help us know that how this import part needs to be handled.

5 answers

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Nov 22 '10, 12:58 p.m.
Assuming you are using the same library on both servers (creating new versions of it, as you updates the schema/s).

Enabling the new version of should override the existing model.

what do you mean disturb community scoping?

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iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | answered Nov 22 '10, 1:27 p.m.
Hi Gili,
Thanks for the response.
By "do not disturb community scoping" we mean that the scoping of that category schema with the communities in the destination server should remain intact even after importing and enabling the new version of the schema there.
This we are saying because while testing we noticed that after migrating a category schema as a library from one repository to other the communities which were scoped with the destination server schema are no longer associated with it.
Please let us know if by any other way I can explain you better about our requirement.

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Nov 22 '10, 2:12 p.m.
Problem is that it is the community that is bound to the schema, not the other way around.... so when you bring in the schema, it does not have this information.

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iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | answered Nov 23 '10, 2:50 p.m.
okay....I got your point. Its fine even if we need to scope the communities again after migration of schema but is there any risk associated with this process of migration. The category id's etc. will not change by it right? We are worried about the review processes and lifecycles which are having these categories.
Or, is there some other way by which we can perform migration of category schema with minimum risks...probably through database? Your inputs in this regard will be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.

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Srimanth Gunturi (206125) | answered Dec 10 '10, 3:49 p.m.
When you enable a library, if there are any category schemas with the same ID - they are replaced. So what your library has will be what will be in repository.

With regards to lifecycles etc... they make use of specific category entries. You need to make sure their IDs have not changed. For example lets say the schema in both the old and new RAM's is 'classif/software_development.xmi#', but the id of the 'Web Application' child category is 'classif/software_development.xmi#web_application' in old, and 'classif/software_development.xmi#webApplication' in new. When the new library is enabled, the category 'classif/software_development.xmi#web_application' is no longer available.

That said, 'Web Application' should generally generate the same suffix (ex: web_application) on all systems. If thats the case, you should be good to go.

okay....I got your point. Its fine even if we need to scope the communities again after migration of schema but is there any risk associated with this process of migration. The category id's etc. will not change by it right? We are worried about the review processes and lifecycles which are having these categories.
Or, is there some other way by which we can perform migration of category schema with minimum risks...probably through database? Your inputs in this regard will be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.

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