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Finding workitem from buildresult


My requirement is to find all work item ID associated with the build.

I've managed to find available build result (from the example)

IBuildResult buildResult = (IBuildResult) result;

Now, I'm trying to find all the work item associated with this build and I've no clue how to do this.

My guess, there should be a way to find work item from UUID ( buildResult.getItemId() )


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Hi there,

The work items associated with a build are represented in two ways:
- "included in build" links between the build result and the work items
- a build result contribution with a content blob containing the work item item ids

For more details about how/when these are ceated, see the last part of:

We have an internal helper class in Build to retrieve these items:
com.ibm.team.build.internal.client.workitem.WorkItemHelper.getFixedInBuild(ITeamRepository, IBuildResultHandle, IProgressMonitor)
whose code is:

* Gets the work items fixed in the given build result.
* @param teamRepository
* The repository where the build result is found.
* @param buildResultHandle
* The build result with the fixed work items.
* @param monitor
* The progress monitor to track progress on or <code>null</code>
* if progress monitoring is not desired.
* @return The fixed work items or an empty array if none were fixed in the
* build; never null.
* @throws TeamRepositoryException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if any parameters are null
* @LongOp This is a long operation; it may block indefinitely; must not be
* called from a responsive thread.
public static IWorkItemHandle[] getFixedInBuild(ITeamRepository teamRepository,
IBuildResultHandle buildResultHandle, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamRepositoryException {

ValidationHelper.validateNotNull("teamRepository", teamRepository); //$NON-NLS-1$
ValidationHelper.validateNotNull("buildResultHandle", buildResultHandle); //$NON-NLS-1$

List workItemHandles = new ArrayList();

SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2);
IBuildResultContribution[] buildResultContributions = ClientFactory.getTeamBuildClient(teamRepository).getBuildResultContributions(
buildResultHandle, WorkItemConstants.EXTENDED_DATA_TYPE_ID, subMonitor.newChild(1));

for (IBuildResultContribution contribution : buildResultContributions) {
IContent content = contribution.getExtendedContributionData();
if (content != null) {
String[] workItemHandleIds = ContentUtil.contentToStringArray(teamRepository, content,
EXTENDED_DATA_DELIMITER, subMonitor.newChild(1));
for (int i = 0; i < workItemHandleIds.length; i++) {
workItemHandles.add(IWorkItem.ITEM_TYPE.createItemHandle(UUID.valueOf(workItemHandleIds[i]), null));
return (IWorkItemHandle[]) workItemHandles.toArray(new IWorkItemHandle[workItemHandles.size()]);

ClientFactory is:

import com.ibm.team.build.client.ClientFactory;


* The type id for the build result extended contribution data for fixed
* work items.
public static final String EXTENDED_DATA_TYPE_ID = "fixedWorkItems"; //$NON-NLS-1$


private static final char EXTENDED_DATA_DELIMITER = '\n';

Hope this clarifies more than confuses.

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Thanks for the inputs, I will try to put all this together

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Hi.... here is the final code...

This is mix of example and inputs from Nick Edgar (thanks a lot :) )

What this code block can do

- Will find all the builds for the build id "Production"
- find all associated work items (WI)

> If you need WI for a particular build label use following
// String[] parameters = new String[] { "PROD-20101019-1002" };

> If you need WI for a particular build tag use following

// String[] parameters = new String[] { "my label" };

Why you may need this information:
- you have multiple streams and want to track which WI is in which stream. this can be very useful

package snippets;

* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2008. All Rights Reserved.
* Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights: Use,
* duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
* Contract with IBM Corp.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;

import com.ibm.team.build.client.ClientFactory;
import com.ibm.team.build.client.ITeamBuildClient;
import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.IBuildDefinition;
import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.IBuildResult;
import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.IBuildResultContribution;
import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.query.IBaseBuildResultQueryModel.IBuildResultQueryModel;
import com.ibm.team.build.internal.client.util.ContentUtil;
import com.ibm.team.build.internal.client.workitem.WorkItemHelper;
import com.ibm.team.repository.client.IItemManager;
import com.ibm.team.repository.client.ITeamRepository;
import com.ibm.team.repository.client.TeamPlatform;
import com.ibm.team.repository.client.ITeamRepository.ILoginHandler;
import com.ibm.team.repository.client.ITeamRepository.ILoginHandler.ILoginInfo;
import com.ibm.team.repository.common.IContent;
import com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException;
import com.ibm.team.repository.common.UUID;
import com.ibm.team.repository.common.query.IItemQuery;
import com.ibm.team.repository.common.query.IItemQueryPage;
import com.ibm.team.repository.common.service.IQueryService;
import com.ibm.team.workitem.client.IWorkItemClient;
import com.ibm.team.workitem.client.IWorkItemWorkingCopyManager;
import com.ibm.team.workitem.client.WorkItemWorkingCopy;
import com.ibm.team.workitem.common.model.IWorkItem;
import com.ibm.team.workitem.common.model.IWorkItemHandle;

* Plain Java Snippet: Querying for all build results with a specified tag
public class QueryBuildsWithTagExample {

// public static final String EXTENDED_DATA_TYPE_ID = "fixedWorkItems";
// private static final char EXTENDED_DATA_DELIMITER = '\n';

private static class LoginHandler implements ILoginHandler, ILoginInfo {

private String fUserId;
private String fPassword;

private LoginHandler(String userId, String password) {
fUserId = userId;
fPassword = password;

public String getUserId() {
return fUserId;

public String getPassword() {
return fPassword;

public ILoginInfo challenge(ITeamRepository repository) {
return this;

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 4) {
System.out.println("Usage: RequestBuild <repository> <userId> <password> <build>");

String repositoryURI = args[0];
String userId = args[1];
String password = args[2];
String tag = args[3];

try {
IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
ITeamRepository teamRepository = login(repositoryURI, userId, password, monitor);
queryForBuilds(tag, teamRepository);
} catch (TeamRepositoryException e) {
System.out.println("Unable to login: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {

public static void queryForBuilds(String tag, ITeamRepository teamRepository) throws TeamRepositoryException {
IBuildResultQueryModel buildResultQueryModel = IBuildResultQueryModel.ROOT;
IItemQuery query = IItemQuery.FACTORY.newInstance(buildResultQueryModel);

IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
ITeamBuildClient buildClient = (ITeamBuildClient) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(ITeamBuildClient.class);
IBuildDefinition buildDefinition = buildClient.getBuildDefinition("Production", monitor);

// String[] parameters = new String[] { "PROD-20101019-1002" };
Object[] parameters = new Object[] { buildDefinition };
IItemQueryPage queryPage = buildClient.queryItems(query, parameters, IQueryService.ITEM_QUERY_MAX_PAGE_SIZE,

IWorkItemClient workItemClient= (IWorkItemClient) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IWorkItemClient.class);

List workItemHandles = new ArrayList();

if (queryPage.getSize() == 0) {
System.out.println("Zero builds found with tag '" + tag + "'");
} else {
System.out.println("Found " + queryPage.getSize() + " builds with tag '" + tag + "':");

// print out the labels of the retrieved builds
String[] properties = new String[] { IBuildResult.PROPERTY_LABEL };
List buildResults = teamRepository.itemManager().fetchPartialItems(queryPage.getItemHandles(),
IItemManager.DEFAULT, Arrays.asList(properties), monitor);

for (Object result : buildResults) {
IBuildResult buildResult = (IBuildResult) result;
IWorkItemHandle[] workItems = WorkItemHelper.getFixedInBuild(teamRepository, buildResult, monitor);

System.out.println(buildResult.getLabel() + ", Work Items :" + workItems.length);
for (int i=0; i < workItems.length; i++) {
IWorkItemClient itemClient= (IWorkItemClient) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IWorkItemClient.class);
IWorkItemWorkingCopyManager copyManager= itemClient.getWorkItemWorkingCopyManager();
copyManager.connect(workItems[i], IWorkItem.FULL_PROFILE, monitor);
WorkItemWorkingCopy itemCopy= copyManager.getWorkingCopy(workItems[i]);
IWorkItem itemToBeModified= itemCopy.getWorkItem();
System.out.println(buildResult.getLabel() + "," + itemToBeModified.getId());
SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2);
IBuildResultContribution[] buildResultContributions = ClientFactory.getTeamBuildClient(teamRepository).getBuildResultContributions(
buildResult, EXTENDED_DATA_TYPE_ID, subMonitor.newChild(1));
for (IBuildResultContribution contribution : buildResultContributions) {
IContent content = contribution.getExtendedContributionData();
if (content != null) {
String[] workItemHandleIds = ContentUtil.contentToStringArray(teamRepository, content,
EXTENDED_DATA_DELIMITER, subMonitor.newChild(1));
for (int i = 0; i < workItemHandleIds.length; i++) {
workItemHandles.add(IWorkItem.ITEM_TYPE.createItemHandle(UUID.valueOf(workItemHandleIds[i]), null));

public static ITeamRepository login(String repositoryURI, String userId, String password, IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
ITeamRepository teamRepository = TeamPlatform.getTeamRepositoryService().getTeamRepository(repositoryURI);
teamRepository.registerLoginHandler(new LoginHandler(userId, password));
return teamRepository;

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That looks like it would work, but note that using the RTC internal classes is not recommended since we may change them at any time.

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Question asked: Oct 19 '10, 12:56 p.m.

Question was seen: 9,325 times

Last updated: Oct 19 '10, 12:56 p.m.

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