Process for iFixes?
4 answers
You can look for workitems with the tag "testfix7202" for 7202 test
fixes. It will be "testfix75" for 7.5 whenever we have one.
The structure is that there is a top-level Task work item for the test
fix. Then the defects that are shipped with that test fix are the
"children" work items of it.
If the task is marked complete then it has been shipped. If not then it
may be new or in progress, which means we are building up defects to go
into it. There is no ship date yet. We are simply just saying these
fixes will go into the next testfix. Then when we decide it is time to
ship the test fix it will be built and the test fix task will be marked
There are no schedules for test fixes. We just decide it is now time to
ship. We don't know ahead of time when that will be. Usually what
happens is there is big problem and a customer needs the fix. At that
point in time we will then build and release the test fix. Until that
happens we just accumulate what we feel should be in the next test fix.
Test fixes aren't directly available to customers. Customers must go
through their support to download test fixes.
Internal IBM personnel can get it from the test fix portal.
You can look for workitems with the tag "testfix7202" for 7202 test
fixes. It will be "testfix75" for 7.5 whenever we have one.
The structure is that there is a top-level Task work item for the test
fix. Then the defects that are shipped with that test fix are the
"children" work items of it.
If the task is marked complete then it has been shipped. If not then it
may be new or in progress, which means we are building up defects to go
into it. There is no ship date yet. We are simply just saying these
fixes will go into the next testfix. Then when we decide it is time to
ship the test fix it will be built and the test fix task will be marked
There are no schedules for test fixes. We just decide it is now time to
ship. We don't know ahead of time when that will be. Usually what
happens is there is big problem and a customer needs the fix. At that
point in time we will then build and release the test fix. Until that
happens we just accumulate what we feel should be in the next test fix.
Test fixes aren't directly available to customers. Customers must go
through their support to download test fixes.
Internal IBM personnel can get it from the test fix portal.