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Deploying RTC on AIX

Jeff Ong (14113947) | asked Sep 15 '10, 11:32 a.m.
A few questions on deploying RTC on AIX with a lot of users

    Which version of RTC should be installed ? "RTC for Power Systems Software" or "RTC Enterprise"
    Should Tomcat or WebSphere be used ?
    Has there been any scalability testing done on AIX and p Systems ? A sizing guide perhaps ?

7 answers

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Jeff Ong (14113947) | answered Sep 15 '10, 11:33 a.m.
Lot of users = 800 users on multiple Jazz repositories.

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Sep 15 '10, 1:10 p.m.
Lot of users = 800 users on multiple Jazz repositories.

We have a sizing guide:
We use WebSphere and Enterprise -

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Jeff Ong (14113947) | answered Sep 15 '10, 1:15 p.m.
Why did you choose WebSphere and Enterprise instead of Tomcat and RTC for Power Systems, respectively ?

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Sep 15 '10, 1:17 p.m.
Why did you choose WebSphere and Enterprise instead of Tomcat and RTC for Power Systems, respectively ?

Scalability for WebSphere and the fact we do not use AIX extensions/build to pick RTC - we build on linux

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Jeff Ong (14113947) | answered Sep 15 '10, 5:15 p.m.
If we were to deploy RTC on AIX, should we use "RTC for Power Systems Software" or "RTC Enterprise" ? Is one better than the other ?

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Abe Batthish (8656) | answered Sep 20 '10, 8:53 p.m.
If we were to deploy RTC on AIX, should we use "RTC for Power Systems Software" or "RTC Enterprise" ? Is one better than the other ?

Hi Jeff,
I know I answered this for you directly, but I'll respond here for the general public on

The two are almost identical. RTC for Power has just one added feature in that it includes a Build System Toolkit for AIX if you intend to build on that platform.

In terms of OS level supported. Since RTC for Power came out slightly after RTC, it added support for AIX 6.1.

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Vanessa Foster-Dotson (3664) | answered Dec 07 '10, 1:54 a.m.
If we were to deploy RTC on AIX, should we use "RTC for Power Systems Software" or "RTC Enterprise" ? Is one better than the other ?

Hi Jeff,
I know I answered this for you directly, but I'll respond here for the general public on

The two are almost identical. RTC for Power has just one added feature in that it includes a Build System Toolkit for AIX if you intend to build on that platform.

In terms of OS level supported. Since RTC for Power came out slightly after RTC, it added support for AIX 6.1.

Are there benefits to using AIX for RTC 3.0 versus using Windows 64-bit for RTC 3.0? Also, are there benefits in installing RTC and Websphere on the same OS versus installing one on say Windows and the other on AIX?


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