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Simple C# RTC Access

Russell Kearn (1121) | asked Aug 11 '10, 2:30 p.m.

I am new to RTC Development and I am looking for some help.
I need to access RTC from C# to create work items. And I am not looking forward to directly writing and parsing the xml of all the OSLC cmds.

Is there a library that will parse the information in rootservices and the other files to create a callable .NET interface? Something like the way WSDL web services work? For that matter why is this not a WSDL interface?

The application is getting its input from a COM dll and there is already existing code C#. Switching to JAVA would be costly.


2 answers

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Russell Kearn (1121) | answered Aug 25 '10, 11:42 a.m.
Any help on this. I could really use a C# interface where I dont have to entirely parse and build XML myself.

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Aug 26 '10, 11:16 a.m.
There is a VS client but I don't think they provide any subpackages to
provide direct access from C#. The best way to proceed on this would be
to enter an enhancement request against the VS component or RTC.


rkearn1 wrote:
Any help on this. I could really use a C# interface where I dont have
to entirely parse and build XML myself.

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