OSLC Client on Android Mobile Phone (based on OSLC Workshop)

I developed a OSLC Client for the Android Mobile Phone (and it is working!).
Someone interested? This is not only Code Snippets, it's a running Eclipse Project.
* Https with self signed certificates.
* Form Based auth.
* Apache HttpClient 4.x
* Android programing.
* Usage of Threads for Http Requests (avoid blocking the Android GUI).
* Xpath
* No Android Phone is necessary, Googel Eclipse Plugin includes an Emulator.
* OCR (Photograph a Java Stack Trace and attach/submit it to a Defect).
Let me know your opinion.
P.s. Thanks to the very good OSLC Workshop (http://jazz.net/library/article/477) and the help of colleagues.
2 answers

I developed a OSLC Client for the Android Mobile Phone (and it is working!).
Someone interested? This is not only Code Snippets, it's a running Eclipse Project.
I'm interested even though I don't have an Android phone. How do you plan to make this available? I see a dangling img tag so I'm not sure if you intended to post a screencapture, would be cool to see.

Hi Steve,
thanks for your request. Let me mention that this Example is not only dedicated for Android Phones, I think it is a good source of information how to access RTC via OSLC even with Https.
How to share RTC Examples at jazz.net ?
If there is no possiblity, I can send you the Source via Email. (not the best solution).
* Screendumps of the program? I would if I could. (Solved)
<img:b243d15621>http://www.bernlohe.de/images/RTC/rtclogin.png</img:b243d15621> <img:b243d15621>http://www.bernlohe.de/images/RTC/rtcprojects.png</img:b243d15621>
<b:b243d15621>Example Workitem </b:b243d15621>(still Problems with the Icons)

* How to share RTC Examples at jazz.net ?
* If there is no possiblity, I can send you the Source via Email. (not the best solution).
I don't think you can share on jazz.net. May be good to post as zip content to some site and link to it in this post.
One interesting option may be to contribute a DeveloperWork's article

and here is the Source Code...
It is a Eclipse 3.5 Project and you need also a installed Android SDK using Version 2.2.
Details at
Please let me know how successful it works for you. In the meantime I redisgn the Thread Model.

The URL you provided is not reachable anymore. Have you set-up something else?

I'm interested in the OSLC Android Client. Have you deployed the code somewhere? If not, Github would be a perfect Open Source spot to provide access to others.
I have an Android Google Nexus One smart phone with Android OS 2.4.4 installed. I also have the JAVA SDK, Eclipse Environment and Android Development Toolkit running on my laptop. You can guess that I am in the process of dveloping Android apps myself. It currently is more of a hobby right now.
I've been thinking about developing an Android Rational DOORS Client that would use the OSLC libraries and widgets.
I also have a Rational DOORS V9.3 installation on my laptop running on a fixed-node licence.
Montreal, Canada