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Extension of Trial version of Rational Team Concert

Manohar Mathias (11) | asked May 13 '10, 3:04 a.m.

The trial version of my Rational Team Concert Express Edition (IBM Rational Team Concert Express Edition - Client, Server, and Optional Features V1.0 Windows English (C1GD9EN)) expires shortly.

Needed to know details of how can the current edition be extended or renewed with new licenses.

Thanks & Regards
Manohar M
(IBM Tivol Beta Operations)

One answer

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered May 13 '10, 12:31 p.m.

The trial version of my Rational Team Concert Express Edition (IBM Rational Team Concert Express Edition - Client, Server, and Optional Features V1.0 Windows English (C1GD9EN)) expires shortly.

Needed to know details of how can the current edition be extended or renewed with new licenses.

Thanks & Regards
Manohar M
(IBM Tivol Beta Operations)


You need to get proper license keys from the internal account. I will email you direct to help



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