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Build Configuration Elements - Order of Execution

David Rostocil (911410) | asked Apr 28 '10, 11:50 a.m.
I have created a new pre-build configuration element to perform some verification tasks before a build is executed. My question is, is the order of pre-build task execution consistent? From my experimentation they always get executed in the order they are defined in my plugin.xml.


Can I safely assume this will always be the case?


2 answers

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Apr 30 '10, 10:08 a.m.
The order of phases is: PRE_BUILD, BUILD, POST_BUILD. Within each phase, the participants corresponding to the configurations are executed in order. Note that users may customize the order (for a given phase), either in the build definition wizard when creating the definition, or afterwards by choosing Edit Configuration in the context menu in the header of the build definition editor.

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David Rostocil (911410) | answered Apr 30 '10, 10:15 a.m.
The order of phases is: PRE_BUILD, BUILD, POST_BUILD. Within each phase, the participants corresponding to the configurations are executed in order. Note that users may customize the order (for a given phase), either in the build definition wizard when creating the definition, or afterwards by choosing Edit Configuration in the context menu in the header of the build definition editor.


That makes sense. I missed that you could set the order while creating the definition with the 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' buttons.


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