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How to enter directly remaining hours

Roland Mueller (102399) | asked Mar 29 '10, 4:46 p.m.
when we update the tasks in progress the only thing of interest for the burn down chart is the time remaining of the tasks in progress.
However I can only find the fields estimate, corrected estimate, time spent. So to give the time remaining, it is neccessary to update the corrected estimate and the time spent to get the figure "time remaining. How can I enter directly the time remaining for a task.

Sorry I posted that by accident as well as reply on an exisitng topic!

Thanks - Roland

6 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 30 '10, 3:30 a.m.
Hi Roland,

you can change the way of working in the process configuration, configuration data, Process General, from time spent to time remaining.

As far as I know this changes the representation and calculation project wide. Please note the fields are still the same. Please also note that this is a decision you would make typically at the beginning of the project and stay with the decision.

Maybe that gives you the way of working you want.

when we update the tasks in progress the only thing of interest for the burn down chart is the time remaining of the tasks in progress.
However I can only find the fields estimate, corrected estimate, time spent. So to give the time remaining, it is neccessary to update the corrected estimate and the time spent to get the figure "time remaining. How can I enter directly the time remaining for a task.

Sorry I posted that by accident as well as reply on an exisitng topic!

Thanks - Roland

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Roland Mueller (102399) | answered Apr 09 '10, 10:16 a.m.
Hello Ralph,

no , does not :-( .
The recommended setting in the process template changes the behaviour of the work item detail page, but still I can not show the time remaining in the developers task board view. The field" time remaining" is simply not shown in the choice list of the edit mode of the developers task board view.

I'll mail you a screen shot upon this.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 09 '10, 12:15 p.m.
Hi Roland,

I just looked into it... In the plan the following seems to happen when switching from time spent to time remaining.

there are three attributes Effort Tracking, Original Estimate and Time Spent. The names do not change when changing the said mode/setting (their meanings change).

When doing so and you hover over them the one named Effort Tracking will now show the data of the attribute presented as time remaining.

Time Spent will show the Estimated time-time remaining. The estimated time is the original estimate or the correction. (Time Spent+Effort Tracking=corrected)

The Original Estimate will show the original estimate.

Easy (I lost some brain cells looking it up though).

I will answer the e-mail with some screen shots.


Hello Ralph,

no , does not :-( .
The recommended setting in the process template changes the behaviour of the work item detail page, but still I can not show the time remaining in the developers task board view. The field" time remaining" is simply not shown in the choice list of the edit mode of the developers task board view.

I'll mail you a screen shot upon this.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 09 '10, 12:24 p.m.
Hi Roland,

I have to confess you have do some maths to enter the right value in a plan though. You might want to create a work item or support one that already asks for it - I assume this is common. Please have a look at the work items.
I fond several, one that tracks some effort


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Perala Chakrapani (2122) | answered Jun 10 '10, 4:42 a.m.
Hi -

I have 3 Attributes in RTC 2.0 Task type Workitems
Estimate, Time Remaining, Due Date

We find good to fill Estimate and Due Date as this is one time task
where as for Time Remaining - we have to update regularly which is pain to team. Management wants to see current progress - in case team fails to update Time Remaining, Project Progress report shows incorrect data.

Could you please let me know how to make Time Remaining attribute calculated automatically with the formula

Time Remaining = (Due Date - Estimate)

Thanks and Regards - Perala

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 10 '10, 8:01 a.m.

as stated in he thread, I believe, there is no automation for that in 2.x. However there is a work item for that and you could look it up and subscribe for it to support the case.


Hi -

I have 3 Attributes in RTC 2.0 Task type Workitems
Estimate, Time Remaining, Due Date

We find good to fill Estimate and Due Date as this is one time task
where as for Time Remaining - we have to update regularly which is pain to team. Management wants to see current progress - in case team fails to update Time Remaining, Project Progress report shows incorrect data.

Could you please let me know how to make Time Remaining attribute calculated automatically with the formula

Time Remaining = (Due Date - Estimate)

Thanks and Regards - Perala

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