link between defect and component in data warehouse
Hi. i'm interrogating the data warehouse by jdbc. I need to know if the link between a defect and a component is stored in the datawarehouse. I noticed that when I create a link between a defect and a component in the RTC eclipse client, a new record is added in the "auditable_link" table of the datawarehouse. Indeed the column "TARGET_REF_REFERENCED_ITM_TM_D" stores the id of the defect, but i cannot find the id of the component in that table. The columns "SOURCE_REF_REFERENCED_ITM_TM_D" and "SOURCE_REF_INTERNAL_ID" don't store the component's id, but
I noticed that the second part of component's id and the second part of the values in "SOURCE_REF_REFERENCED_ITM_TM_D" and "SOURCE_REF_INTERNAL_ID" columns are the same. So, any suggestions, ideas? Thanks.
I noticed that the second part of component's id and the second part of the values in "SOURCE_REF_REFERENCED_ITM_TM_D" and "SOURCE_REF_INTERNAL_ID" columns are the same. So, any suggestions, ideas? Thanks.