2.0.0 -> iFix1 License Question

My company was running a 2.0.0 server(Express C). We had purchased a handful of Developer CALs on top of the 3 that were included.
When came out the license terms were changed to include 10 free Developer CALs.
I've just completed the upgrade from 2.0.0 to iFix1(Also Express C).
Some questions:
1) Should I have 10 + the # of purchased Developer CALs, or just 10? How was this intended to work when the license terms were changed?
2) Regardless of which answer is the case in my first question, I will need to update the number of Developer CALs available. What is the path to do this?
Should I reuse my purchased license and put in a new number? Or do I upload some new key for iFix1 and then set the number?
When came out the license terms were changed to include 10 free Developer CALs.
I've just completed the upgrade from 2.0.0 to iFix1(Also Express C).
Some questions:
1) Should I have 10 + the # of purchased Developer CALs, or just 10? How was this intended to work when the license terms were changed?
2) Regardless of which answer is the case in my first question, I will need to update the number of Developer CALs available. What is the path to do this?
Should I reuse my purchased license and put in a new number? Or do I upload some new key for iFix1 and then set the number?
6 answers

My company was running a 2.0.0 server(Express C). We had purchased a handful of Developer CALs on top of the 3 that were included.
When came out the license terms were changed to include 10 free Developer CALs.
I've just completed the upgrade from 2.0.0 to iFix1(Also Express C).
Some questions:
1) Should I have 10 + the # of purchased Developer CALs, or just 10? How was this intended to work when the license terms were changed?
2) Regardless of which answer is the case in my first question, I will need to update the number of Developer CALs available. What is the path to do this?
Should I reuse my purchased license and put in a new number? Or do I upload some new key for iFix1 and then set the number?
#1. RTC Express-C as of or later includes 10 free developer CAL's but this is a maximum number for the "free" Express-C" server. You cannot add an 11th developer to an Express-C server. You must upgrade to RTC Express to have more than 11 developers. You CAN add RTC Contributor CAL's (Client Access Licenses) to an RTC Express-C server with no limits. RTC Contributors allow full feature support EXCEPT scm and buiild. For scm and build you must have a Developer license.
If you have less than 10 developers on Express-C you should be fine to run with the "included 10 developer license key" that comes with the download of RTC Express-C. The "extra" developer licenses you purchased earlier could now only be used on an RTC Express server. So if you chose to upgrade to RTC Express-C (which only has 3 developer licenses free) could be added to an RTC Express server to give you the same number of licenses you have today. (3 free + the number you purchased).
#2. If you use Express-C you'll have 10 "free" included with the latest download.
If you migrate to RTC Express you will have to purchase an RTC Express server and then the RTC Developer licenses you bought could be added to that server for the same total you have today. (3 + #bought).

Thanks for clarifying how the licensing was intended to work. However, I'm still stuck.
We want to stay with Express-C for now. However, I've moved over my Derby DB from the 2.0.0 version and it still knows about the 2.0.0 license rules. (I think something must get saved in the DB somewhere). This means that when running the iFix 1 server, I do not have 10 Developer CALs available. I have the 3 free + the number we had purchased.
My remaining question is this:
How do I make a server running ifix 1 code with a Derby DB that started at 2.0.0 use the licensing rules for ifix1 instead of the rules for 2.0.0?
#1. RTC Express-C as of or later includes 10 free developer CAL's but this is a maximum number for the "free" Express-C" server. You cannot add an 11th developer to an Express-C server. You must upgrade to RTC Express to have more than 11 developers. You CAN add RTC Contributor CAL's (Client Access Licenses) to an RTC Express-C server with no limits. RTC Contributors allow full feature support EXCEPT scm and buiild. For scm and build you must have a Developer license.
If you have less than 10 developers on Express-C you should be fine to run with the "included 10 developer license key" that comes with the download of RTC Express-C. The "extra" developer licenses you purchased earlier could now only be used on an RTC Express server. So if you chose to upgrade to RTC Express-C (which only has 3 developer licenses free) could be added to an RTC Express server to give you the same number of licenses you have today. (3 free + the number you purchased).
#2. If you use Express-C you'll have 10 "free" included with the latest download.
If you migrate to RTC Express you will have to purchase an RTC Express server and then the RTC Developer licenses you bought could be added to that server for the same total you have today. (3 + #bought).
Thanks for clarifying how the licensing was intended to work. However, I'm still stuck.
We want to stay with Express-C for now. However, I've moved over my Derby DB from the 2.0.0 version and it still knows about the 2.0.0 license rules. (I think something must get saved in the DB somewhere). This means that when running the iFix 1 server, I do not have 10 Developer CALs available. I have the 3 free + the number we had purchased.
My remaining question is this:
How do I make a server running ifix 1 code with a Derby DB that started at 2.0.0 use the licensing rules for ifix1 instead of the rules for 2.0.0?
My company was running a 2.0.0 server(Express C). We had purchased a handful of Developer CALs on top of the 3 that were included.
When came out the license terms were changed to include 10 free Developer CALs.
I've just completed the upgrade from 2.0.0 to iFix1(Also Express C).
Some questions:
1) Should I have 10 + the # of purchased Developer CALs, or just 10? How was this intended to work when the license terms were changed?
2) Regardless of which answer is the case in my first question, I will need to update the number of Developer CALs available. What is the path to do this?
Should I reuse my purchased license and put in a new number? Or do I upload some new key for iFix1 and then set the number?
#1. RTC Express-C as of or later includes 10 free developer CAL's but this is a maximum number for the "free" Express-C" server. You cannot add an 11th developer to an Express-C server. You must upgrade to RTC Express to have more than 11 developers. You CAN add RTC Contributor CAL's (Client Access Licenses) to an RTC Express-C server with no limits. RTC Contributors allow full feature support EXCEPT scm and buiild. For scm and build you must have a Developer license.
If you have less than 10 developers on Express-C you should be fine to run with the "included 10 developer license key" that comes with the download of RTC Express-C. The "extra" developer licenses you purchased earlier could now only be used on an RTC Express server. So if you chose to upgrade to RTC Express-C (which only has 3 developer licenses free) could be added to an RTC Express server to give you the same number of licenses you have today. (3 free + the number you purchased).
#2. If you use Express-C you'll have 10 "free" included with the latest download.
If you migrate to RTC Express you will have to purchase an RTC Express server and then the RTC Developer licenses you bought could be added to that server for the same total you have today. (3 + #bought).

I tried to upload the jar found in that plugins directory from the License Key Management page on the Admin Web UI. I was given a CRJAZAZ1337E error message. There was nothing in the server log. Let me know if there is anything else that I should try.
I tried to upload the jar found in that plugins directory from the License Key Management page on the Admin Web UI. I was given a CRJAZAZ1337E error message. There was nothing in the server log. Let me know if there is anything else that I should try.
You should be able to download the iFix1 server and re-apply the licenses that can be found at license-update-site/plugins. The jar files for the server and CALs can be applied.

JM wasn't completely clear in his description of the solution, but you can't upload the .jar file from the plugins directory into the web UI. If you first extract the plugin .jar file you will see 3-4 more .jar files. Those .jar files can be uploaded into the web UI.
You have definitely pointed out a weakness in our upgrade story when it comes to licenses. I opened enhancement 111662 to track the issue.
You have definitely pointed out a weakness in our upgrade story when it comes to licenses. I opened enhancement 111662 to track the issue.
I tried to upload the jar found in that plugins directory from the License Key Management page on the Admin Web UI. I was given a CRJAZAZ1337E error message. There was nothing in the server log. Let me know if there is anything else that I should try.

Thanks for the pointer. That worked perfectly.
Thanks for the pointer. That worked perfectly.
JM wasn't completely clear in his description of the solution, but you can't upload the .jar file from the plugins directory into the web UI. If you first extract the plugin .jar file you will see 3-4 more .jar files. Those .jar files can be uploaded into the web UI.
You have definitely pointed out a weakness in our upgrade story when it comes to licenses. I opened enhancement 111662 to track the issue.
I tried to upload the jar found in that plugins directory from the License Key Management page on the Admin Web UI. I was given a CRJAZAZ1337E error message. There was nothing in the server log. Let me know if there is anything else that I should try.