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Access control over team stream....

Qaiser Islam (31297074) | asked Jan 21 '10, 9:35 a.m.
Can we set access control for team stream?

I know the member of team area (other than owner of stream) can not deliver the code to that stream but they can see the repository files in stream also they can load these files in their repositories

Is it possible to set the security over stream so that other team area members cant see the stream or contents in it??


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jan 21 '10, 6:08 p.m.
Read access to a component in a stream is specified by the project area
that contains the team area that is the owner of the component.

Read access to the stream itself is specified by the project area that
contains the team area that is the owner of the stream.

Write access to a stream (such as deliver) is specified by the team area
that is the owner of that stream.


qaiserislam wrote:
Can we set access control for team stream?

I know the member of team area (other than owner of stream) can not
deliver the code to that stream but they can see the repository files
in stream also they can load these files in their repositories

Is it possible to set the security over stream so that other team area
members cant see the stream or contents in it??


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