Deploy webservice to support widget extension in Doors next 7.0.3

I know you can deploy widget extensions to DOORS Next. These widget extensions are just JavaScript and HTML. Is it possible to deploy a backend webservice that is used by the widget extension in DOORS Next, or does the backend service have to be deployed in a separate external server? If backend webservices can be deployed in Doors Next, what languages does Doors Next support for backend webservices; is Python supported?
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The OpenSocial gadget / web service can be written in any language. For example, I've recently seen one that's a Python flask app.

Do you know the URL for the Python flask app example? The reason I thought that only HTML/JavaScript could be deployed directly in Doors Next's open social container was due to this documentation which detailed that backed web services would have to be deployed within an external server. And by deployed directly I mean that the webservice itself is deployed within DOORS Next's server.

The Flask app is not public.