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View commit details in EWM - integration with Gitlab

Nicola Quinn (111) | asked 12 hours ago
edited 12 hours ago

Recently I attended an IBM training course and the lab was configured to integrate well with Git. 

We  set up an environment with the basic configurations however we cannot find how to customize our install to match the training lab. In particular - 
How to configure how the links are opened from EWM defect.?  
IBM Lab opened in EWM, ours, by default opens Gitlab externally.

Commits are displayed successfully in a defect, links tab.  Hover over a link, a preview is displayed.
First difference -
IBM Lab - link is to an EWM resource  / 
Ours -- link is to external Gitlab
Second difference - 
IBM Lab - Link opens EWM resource with an action to display the 'commit details' and include the file diffs.
Ours - opens external Gitlab.

Sample links from IBM lab
  1. Link in preview
  2. Link to open commit

We would like to configure EWM to open links in EWM with the commit details and displaying file differences.  (see pics from IBM lab). Commit preview   Commit details with file difs

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