Delete change sets in DNG via API

I create via API change sets for DNG. In certain cases I want to delete them. I have tried:
Accepted answer

You can discard a change set in the UI. So there is an, probably internal, API to do it. I have looked at this years ago, see this statement: . It states that discarding a change set is supported, but not documented. Maybe you create an idea to get this documented?
In my mind, the delete method is the correct one to use. The type system manager (I shared the link already) implements the delete here:
It is not an OSLC operation as far as I can tell.
- Omit the OSLC Header
Omit the Accept
Here the documentation for the UI: . It mentions permissions, but I do not see a dedicated permission for deleting.

Dear Ralph,

Then, please accept the answer.

I would suggest you look at the location header of the response. If the response sends a tracker URL, it is a long running operation. This is the case for deliver, for example.
Check the documentation of the deliver operation in the server API. Also see the task tracker API.