Error CRJZS5161E Error saving Lucene index for storage/ while redexing on RM database for
Getting error while performing reindexing on RM database for restoration of CLM with Windows server 2019/SQL server 2019/WAS 905
CRJZS5161E Error saving Lucene index for storage/ D:\IBM\JazzTeamServer_6061\server\conf\rm\indices_FJTjUZLVEeaQweMzcPHChQ\jfs-textindex_35f.cfs (The system cannot find the file specified.)
Anybody facing the same issue ?
2 answers
1)Can you please make sure that whether the indices folder is actually present in the RM/Conf folder.
2)Verify whether the path for the indices folder mentioned in the team server properties is correct?
3)Have you taken the backup of the Indices before performing the Reindexing or try restoring the Indices directory and perform the reindexing operation again?
4)You can remove the Indices folder and perform the Reindexing operation again.
Hope this helps!!
This is a forum and not a replacement for support. Like yesterday, with your related question, the best suggestion is to open a case with support. The reindexing operation did not succeed and has left you with a broken index. The files and folders where not deleted and/or created and the state of the index is broken. Only support can get the logs from you and advise what to do to fix this.