How can I get the high level categories for an ICategory I have?
When I have an
of a
, I would like to climb up the category hierarchy to see whether it is in a one with a well-known name by my EWM Client Plug-In.
However, I did not find a method for that in
How can I get this information, beside resorting to the OSLC interface?
One answer
Methods to work with ICathegory are on . The category resembles a path separated by /, so you would do string operations to get the higher hierarchy. section Category shows calculateCategoryAsString.
This code does the reverse operation
private ICategoryHandle findCategory(String value) throws TeamRepositoryException { List<string> path = StringUtil.splitStringToList(value, PATH_SEPARATOR); ICategoryHandle category = getWorkItemCommon().findCategoryByNamePath(getWorkItem().getProjectArea(), path, monitor); if (category == null && value != null) { if (value.equals("Unassigned")) { // category=ICategory.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_PROPERTY; category = getWorkItemCommon().findUnassignedCategory(getWorkItem().getProjectArea(), ICategory.SMALL_PROFILE, monitor); } } return category; } </string>